
Monday, September 20, 2010

Kids? (341)

I have a dilemma. I've been thinking about this an awful lot lately, and I can't seem to decide. Should we have a flower girl and/or a ring-bearer in our wedding? On one hand, they're stinking adorable. How cute is this?!
On the other hand....I'm afraid of this -

I've seen far too many tantrums, and it worries me.

Bethany told me that it's uncharacteristic of me to not have kids in my wedding - which is probably true.

Hmm. What do you guys think? Did you have kiddos in your wedding? Any horror stories?


  1. I agree with Bethy. I was surprised when you mentioned this.
    I still remember Marisa at Aunt Leah's wedding. At the last mintue, she got stage fright. She walked down the aisle sort of between Aunt Leah and Pepaw. :-) It was cute and once she got up front was fine...if I remember correctly. :-)

  2. It really does depend on the personality of the children in question, but if you can manage it I think the overtone of the wedding is enhanced by having the really cute, young flower girl/ring bearer.
