
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Flowers (350)! There's so much to choose from. Going in, I thought "they're flowers, how complex can they be?!?!" Well, I spoke too soon, cause there are so many details! I spent all last night (yeah, really) looking at different bouquets - these are some that I found a while ago that I really love. I love the simplicity of it. So pretty and elegant.


  1. SO maybe this is weird that I'm reading this, but I was curious on how far you were with picking colors, decorations, etc. But anyways, I REALLY love the bouquet on the bottom of this post - It's simple, green, but not TOO green :) (I'm assuming your colors are white/green/black, right?) I'm really excited for you two! Congratulations! :)

    Kristen Nupson :)

  2. Yes! Green, black and white :)Haha, it's not weird at all that you're reading this :) I want feedback from anybody and everybody!
