
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cupcake Wrappers (331)

Oh man. I love these cute cupcake papers. I think that they're simply gorgeous! They're also about a buck a piece, and I'm gonna need about 800, maybe more. Hmm. I think it looks an awful lot like those doilies that you can get at Dollar Tree for a buck per 100. I think I'm going to rally some help and make cupcake wrappers for my wedding. I will figure this out...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ties (332)

I think I want the guys in green ties. I couldn't find a better picture of what I want...I cut one out of a magazine, but I think it got thrown away by mistake. Boo. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apples (333)

I keep finding all of these cute place card ideas and I think that apples are my favorite. What do you think? 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bridal Bargains (334)

I just got this book in the mail while I was on retreat, and I must say, it's very good! To be honest, when I first heard about it, I wasn't too thrilled - my mom raised me to be ultra frugal-minded, and really, all of the money saving tips that I've been able to find out there were pretty obvious to me (shop around before you make a purchase, buy second hand, don't serve a full meal, etc). I did look it up though, because so many people had recommended it to me and I found it on Amazon for 2 bucks (including shipping) so I picked it up. I've just had a chance to flip through it a bit, but it's full of creative ideas to bring the budget down as low as possible. Hooray saving money! :)   

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Marriage (335)

Wow. First of all, I’d like to take back what I said in my earlier post about not agreeing with everything that Voddie had to say in this study. I misunderstood one of his points which is why I said that in the first place, and I’ll elaborate on that more in a bit.

We went through a set of DVDs featuring Dr. Voddie Baucham speaking at a conference about his book, What He Must Be…If He Wants to Marry My Daughter. This was an awesome study for anyone – you don’t have to be a guy looking for a wife or a parent to get something out of it – I think it’s practical for any and every Christian.

The first night was entitled “The Bible and the Father’s Role.” A Christian father is expected to: be a godly example, give instructions, provide, protect, serve and maintain peace in his household. There were more, but I didn’t get a chance to write them down! I’ll have to check back at the book. The jobs that we ventured into the most were protection and provision.

When most of us think of protection, we think of physical protection…”would he take a bullet for me?” and yes, that is part of it, but the role of a protector is so much more than that. A father is responsible for protecting his daughter’s purity and her heart as well as protecting her from physical harm.

A father is also called to provide for his wife and children. In a later session, Voddie mentioned that we often think that to be “the provider” the man needs to have a degree, have an amazingly huge paycheck and be able to afford anything you can dream of. The definition of “provider” that Voddie gives is a man who 1) has a job, 2) has a good work ethic and 3) has some sort of savings. While this is a very important part of a father’s job, Voddie mentioned that many men believe that as long as he is working and bringing home money for his wife and children, he can opt out of any other fatherly duties, which is a complete lie!

The following morning was about “The Ministry of Marriage.” This is where I thought I disagreed with Voddie. One of his statements was “we need to be preparing our children for marriage, and preparing them for marriage at a young age.” My initial thought was that he was saying that everyone should marry young, and while I don’t believe that it’s wrong to marry young (Hello! I’m 19 ;)) I definitely do not think that it’s for everyone. What he meant by this was that you should have your children prepared for marriage at an early age – familiar with the roles of a husband and wife and ready to take them up if in fact they do get married. Voddie talked about how this is such a valuable lesson to learn, and is crucial if the child does get married, and will not hinder him if he doesn’t.

Another topic mentioned in this session was the reasons (excuses) that Christians have for not getting married. He mentioned:

1)      “The pious argument” – When you marry, it’s harder to serve the Lord. This is just bogus! Like the title implies, marriage (if done correctly) is a ministry in itself! What is to keep you from serving in your family, in your church and in other areas of your life? Marriage certainly won’t!
2)      “The textual argument” – To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am.” 1 Corinthians 7:8.  This passage was simply taken out of context. I’ve not checked this out myself, (but I plan to) but Voddie was saying that in this instance, the people that Paul was writing to were going through some very severe trials and that marriage probably wasn’t the best thing to get into at the time. It wasn’t going to make the situation any better. This was not to be used as an excuse not to marry

3)      “The theological argument” – Jesus never married. True, Jesus never married, but we must remember that Christ is the Bridegroom! He is the ultimate picture of marriage that our human version was modeled after.

This is not to say that because you don’t marry, you’re not a good Christian. Marriage is not spiritually superior to singleness. In fact, some people were given the gift of singleness. Voddie clarified that if a person is given this gift, it’s the gift of singleness as a permanent status.

The third session, “He Must be a Follower of Christ” was an excellent presentation of the Gospel. It just amazes me every time I hear it. The point here was that a couple is not to be unequally yoked. A Christian must not marry an unbeliever. Voddie mentioned several things that people think that they hear when this is brought up: He must be a “good guy,” he must be a churchgoer, he must have “walked an aisle and prayed ‘the prayer’ at some point.” While these things may be true of a believer, they can not be the only things that define that person’s faith. A Christian man will be:

1)      Regenerated - a sovereign work of God. We have nothing to do with it. God chooses us – we don’t choose Him

2)      Repentant - not simply praying for forgiveness of sins and then going on in the same path, it’s actually turning in the opposite direction.

3)      Reformed - a subjective change brought on by the grace of God.

The very last session was the easiest to apply, I thought. It went through “The Four P’s”

1)      Priest – A man who will be a shepherd for his wife.

2)      Prophet – A man who washes his wife with the water of the word.

3)      Provider – I kind of mentioned this before, but the importance of this role is not the dollar amount of his paycheck, but just that he is able to provide food and shelter for his wife. One thing that Voddie mentioned here was that we tend to be “classist” by saying that you have to be able to afford a big house or lots of cars, or luxury in order to get married. He says that by saying this, you are forbidding the lower class from getting married. I thought that was an interesting thought.

4)      Protector – This man places himself between his family and anything that may harm them. Voddie posed the question: how can you tell if a young man is a protector if he doesn’t have a family to protect yet?! A man who is a protector will be a man of personal strength, wisdom and courage.

This was a great study to go through. I had a lot of good discussions with people from many different backgrounds and it was interesting to see their take on it. For me, it was nice to see everything all in one place and it definitely made me very thankful for my father as he raised me like this. I’m also very proud of Michael for being willing to take up such a huge responsibility. It makes me even more excited to get married! I know he’ll do a great job.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Retreat! (337)

No more posts till Monday, I'm going on retreat! It's going to be a very fun weekend. We're going through Dr. Voddie Baucham's book, What He Must Be. I bought the book not too long ago and I skimmed through it last night. I'm not sure I agree with everything that he says, but there is definitely some great information in there and it's sure to be an interesting and productive study. So, off I go to the Crapo Ranch! I'll let you know about the book on Monday :) 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Honeymoon Thoughts (338)

The last few days I haven't done much planning except for honeymoon stuff. I really want to get a budget in place, so we can make reservations as soon as possible - I just want it out of the way. Disneyland is still an option, maybe just for 2 days. We're thinking about possibly staying in Omaha for 3-4 nights and then going to Anaheim for 3 nights and going to Disneyland. I don't know. It's a lot of money to spend, but it's our honeymoon and I want it to be nice. The plane tickets are the most expensive part - almost half of the cost goes into just getting there. We'll see how it goes. I've been spending a lot of time on :) 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Dress :) (339)

My favorite dress I've seen so far - $12,000. Yeah, not gonna happen. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Honeymoon (340)

I've been browsing honeymoon locations for the past few days. We're pretty sure that we want to stay in California - it'd be pretty convenient especially because we'll probably have to borrow a car from either my parents or a friend since neither of  us will be old enough to rent a car yet! It's still too early to book most hotels, but we're still looking around to see how much money we can expect to spend. I looked at hotel and ticket prices for Disneyland last night - Michael has never been there, and I haven't been there in almost 8 years. After counting in the air fare, hotel, park tickets, food and some spending money, it ended up being pretty pricey. Then  again, I've never really been on a vacation and I'm not really familiar with what things cost. To be honest, we're content with a nice clean room and some time on the beach - nothing fancy. How much did you spend on your honeymoon? What is a reasonable price? How can we do this on a budget? Input is greatly appreciated!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kids? (341)

I have a dilemma. I've been thinking about this an awful lot lately, and I can't seem to decide. Should we have a flower girl and/or a ring-bearer in our wedding? On one hand, they're stinking adorable. How cute is this?!
On the other hand....I'm afraid of this -

I've seen far too many tantrums, and it worries me.

Bethany told me that it's uncharacteristic of me to not have kids in my wedding - which is probably true.

Hmm. What do you guys think? Did you have kiddos in your wedding? Any horror stories?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cuppy Cakes (342)

I served at a wedding last night, and I have to admit that my mind wasn't really on my job. I was mostly spying on the wedding trying to pick up on some awesome ideas. It's been a while since I've been to a wedding, so I was pretty pumped. First of all, it was GORGEOUS wedding! It was all outdoors, which is beautiful, but given the date of our wedding, I think that's gonna be a bad idea. August+Nebraska=miserable humidity. Boo. Anyway, my favorite idea I took away from last night was having a cupcake tower instead of a cake. I was too busy to get a picture (that, and I left my camera in the car...and it may have been awkward for the server girl to be taking pictures of the wedding stuff :P) It looked something like this:

The style was very different, but you get the idea - the top tier for the first anniversary, and cupcakes for people to come and get for themselves. I don't know what they did when it was time to cut the cake - but my mom and I thought it would be cute to just cut a cupcake in half. :)

I think it will work well with my guests too - 30% of them are children under 5  (Yikes! I know!) and kiddos do well with cupcakes :) 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just Plannin' :) (343)

I think that the hardest thing with planning this wedding so far has been doing all the planning from a distance. I helped plan my grandparent's anniversary party a few years ago, so I know where all the rental stores are here, I know how to get the church reserved here, I know what photographers I like and are in my price range here - the problem is finding it there. The other problem is that on days that I work or have class, I can't call any businesses there because of the 2 hour time difference. I've talked with my parents about living out there the last month before the wedding, and I'm really looking forward to that!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some protest (344)

For those of you who know my brother, you will know that he is a very stubborn, opinionated child. This is not always a bad thing, but at this point in his development, it seems to be an inconvenient thing much of the time. I was talking about the wedding party today and John was very upset when he learned that he was not going to be the best man. Marcus (Michael's little brother) was always going to be the best man. John was pretty ticked, and  after I explained to him that he was going to be an usher (really playing it up and making it sound as exciting as possible) John decided that he is going to either be the best man, the ring-bearer (not sure where that one came in) or nothing at all. Hmm. It looks like my little brother is going to have to sit out on my wedding. Poor John-John.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Budget (345)

Wedding budget. Hmm. More difficult than I had imagined. Why must everything be so darn expensive?!? I want a photographer. A *really* good photographer. Is it possible to find one for under 3500? If you know of someone, please tell me! I was looking at invitations today - do you have any idea how much a single piece of paper costs? 2 bucks at the "discount" places. PLUS extra for the envelope, PLUS extra for the response card. Boo high prices. I have to admit, I went into this budget thing pretty confident. I'm good at bargain hunting! I'm good at using what I have to make something amazing! But, unfortunately, I don't think I'm good enough to make this a "budget wedding." Sigh...we'll have to see...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dress (346)

Short and sweet today - I have a paper to write. Boo. Can't I just quit school and plan the perfect wedding? 

This dress. I love it. Ignore the weird model pose...I don't do that :P

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shoes (347)

I really want to wear green shoes at my wedding. Very badly. So I've been looking around to kind of have a feel for what style I'm going for, (yeah, I'm really clueless when it comes to shoes...for shame) I was just looking aroung online, and oh my goodness! I haven't used Google Images in a long time, so this is probably some old feature that everyone knows about, but I don't care cause I just discovered it like 2 weeks ago. You can look something up and then choose a color in the left margin and every single picture that comes up will be that color. Wow. I have a new addiction. It's soooo bad too...I was up late last night looking at shoes. Type in shoes and then click on the green box. Oh man. Every green shoe you can imagine. 




Sparkly shoes for the next disco you attend? 
Shoes for your elf friends? 

So many to choose from....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Help (348)

I'm at work today with my little man, David. He's my helper. David is two and he's a very busy guy. We are wedding planning today. He made me a green cover for my binder and sang a green song that goes something like this "GREEN trees, GREEN grass, GREEN elephant, GREEN face, GREEN popcicles." He's a very creative child.

I called my wedding coordinator today with high hopes of actually reaching her this time (I've already called twice) but I just got her answering machine. I left her a message though, so hopefully I'll hear from her soon. As soon as I can talk to her and confirm that we can actually have the church on August 27th, I can order my save the date cards and get those addressed and mailed out.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wedding Book (349)

So I'm becoming organized. Yes, I have gathered all of my wedding stuff together and created a wedding book. It's big. Really big. I'm afraid of what it may look like when the wedding is actually in the near future. Today I made the pictures that I tore out of magazines actually look nice by cutting off the ragged edges and gluing them onto a nice sheet of paper. Over kill? Maybe. Cuteness? Most definitely. I am still having entirely too much fun with this whole wedding planning thing. I also put together an enormous checklist (oooh, my favorite!) of things to do before the big day. I found 5 of these lists in random bridal magazines and compiled them to make a mega checklist. It's pretty long. Overwhelmingly long. But it's super detailed - everything from scheduling a photographer to taking my girls to get manicures the day before and actually eating breakfast. Oh yes, fun stuff. Here are all my papers - it looks a lot nicer now that it's in the binder though :P

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Flowers (350)! There's so much to choose from. Going in, I thought "they're flowers, how complex can they be?!?!" Well, I spoke too soon, cause there are so many details! I spent all last night (yeah, really) looking at different bouquets - these are some that I found a while ago that I really love. I love the simplicity of it. So pretty and elegant.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I've been just going over ideas in my head recently. Michael bought me like 6 bridal magazines and I looked through all of them, tore out the pictures that I loved and have been looking at them almost every day for the past   month. I know, a bit excessive. It really has become a bit of an obsession, but I'm definitely getting a good idea of what it is I want exactly. I'm cutting out pictures of bridal gowns, bridesmaids dresses, bouquets and other decorations. It's so much fun :) I'm loving this whole experience!

Location (352)

The biggest problem with wedding planning we have had up to this point (and I know it's early :P) is finding a location! I didn't think it would be all that difficult. We're not serving alcohol, and we're not set on dancing, so I thought it'd be super easy to find a church. But, I was wrong. While I was still in town after the proposal, we looked at 3 different churches and were turned away by all of them. I was very disappointed that I had to leave town without a location, but Miss Mary Ann and Maddie continued the search for me. They finally found a church, First Baptist of Bellevue. It's a nice looking church too, a little out dated maybe, but we can work around that. My mother has this amazing creativity that I have never had. I'm hoping that one day it will just come out of me, but I'm starting to doubt.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Music (353)

Wedding music. I never thought it would be this difficult of a task. I've decided what I need: 5-6 instrumentals to play as guests are entering the church, a song to play as the wedding party enters, a song to play as I enter, some kind of solo or duet, and a song to play as we exit the building. Sounds pretty simple, right? No. The problem is that there is SO much to pick from. And now people are talking about how they have mini worship services integrated into the ceremony, which I want to do now. Hmm. Decisions. Pastor Mike (our music pastor) gave me a book of 49 solos and duets for weddings which is awesome, but I really have no idea what I want. Hmm.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guest List (354)

Well, the final count for the wedding and the California reception is  840. Eight hundred and forty people. That is a TON of people. At first my parents flipped. They were NOT going to pay for me to have a wedding with THAT many people! After talking it over with them, they gave in and said that I didn't have to cut the guest list as long as we could cut costs elsewhere. I'm so happy about that! I really want all these people to share this with me - and the California list especially I didn't want to cut - after the reception, I'll be moving to Nebraska and this will be the last time I see these people for a VERY long time. I don't mind cutting costs in other places - I never wanted an extravagant wedding anyway. We don't need to serve a meal, we're not serving alcohol, I don't want any crazy decorations. Just a simple wedding and reception with the people I love is perfect :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

For Me (355)

A friend of mine suggested that I start a wedding blog, and honestly, I didn't think it was a very good idea. Who would want to read about my excitement and ranting about wedding planning? Then someone suggested it again and mentioned that she did one for herself, not for other people - it was just an outlet for her to get her ideas flowing and a place for other people to post ideas, encouragement, etc. So we'll see how this goes. I think it will be nice to write about the stuff I'm working on, and if it doesn't work out, who really cares? Here goes nothing :)