- Programs. Are they really necessary? What happens to them when the guests go home? My guess is that at least 80% of them get thrown away within a few days.
- Favors. Is this tacky? I'm just saying...how many wedding favors have you actually kept? Do you need another trinket with our names and a date on them?
- A guest book. What happened to the guest book from your wedding? Have you looked at it since? I think it's just another thing collecting dust...I do want to keep track of who was at my wedding, but can't there be a more interesting way of doing that than just having them sign their name in a book?
- A guest book. What happened to the guest book from your wedding? Have you looked at it since? I think it's just another thing collecting dust...I do want to keep track of who was at my wedding, but can't there be a more interesting way of doing that than just having them sign their name in a book?
- Full meal. This has been decided, so don't expect a hefty meal at the wedding :P We plan on serving cake, cheese and crackers and fruit...enough to fill you up, but still relatively inexpensive.
I'm sure there's more, but I'm too tired to think. Off to bed I go :) Night night all :)
These can all be safely cut without another thought, dear! Just pick what is important to you.